
The serial site is composed of eight religious and secular monumental complexes, within the walls of the city of Padua, hosting fresco cycles painted between 1302 and 1397 by different artists, for different clients. Despite this, the frescoes maintain unity of style and content. Here are the places: the Scrovegni Chapel and the Church of the Eremitani, the Palazzo della Ragione, the Chapel of the Reggia Carrarese, the Baptistery of the Cathedral, the Basilica and the Convent of Sant’Antonio, the Oratory of San Giorgio and the Oratory of San Michele. In the complex of the World Heritage site, the cycle of the Scrovegni Chapel by Giotto is considered as the beginning of the revolutionary development in the history of mural painting that inspired the creation of other fresco cycles by different artists, such as Guariento di Arpo, Giusto de’ Menabuoi, Altichiero da Zevio, Jacopo Avanzi and Jacopo da Verona. Taken together, these cycles illustrate how, over the space of a century, the art of fresco painting developed in step with a new creative impetus and a new understanding of spatial representation.